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RouteEconomy(USD)Business(USD)FrequencyAirlinesSingapore to Amsterdam14252792Singapore to Bangkok108208Singapore to Beijing6241086Singapore to Buon Ma Thuot108208Singapore to Busan258508Singapore to Can Tho City108208Singapore to Da Lat108208Singapore to Da Nang City258508Singapore to Dien Bien Phu108208Singapore to Dong Hoi108208Singapore to Frankfurt13952643Singapore to Fukuoka17152441Singapore to Guangzhou108208Singapore to Ha Noi468554Singapore to Hai Phong City108208Singapore to Ho Chi Minh City343571Singapore to Hong Kong108208Singapore to Hue108208Singapore to Kaohsiung258508Singapore to London258508Singapore to Melbourne1089N/ASingapore to Moscow14921839Singapore to Nagoya17342460Singapore to Nha Trang City108208Singapore to Osaka17362462Singapore to Paris12602589Singapore to Phnom Penh288376Singapore to Phu Quoc147263Singapore to Pleiku108208Singapore to Quy Nhon108208Singapore to Rach Gia108208Singapore to Seoul539N/ASingapore to Shanghai479859Singapore to Siem Reap555876Singapore to Sydney1096N/ASingapore to Taipei395N/ASingapore to Tam Ky108208Singapore to Thanh Hoa108208Singapore to Tokyo17342461Singapore to Tokyo Haneda258508Singapore to Tuy Hoa108208Singapore to Vienne108208Singapore to Vientiane337512Singapore to Vinh108208
How much is the ticket from Singapore to Dien Bien Phu?The price for economy class – one way ticket of Vietnam Airlines from Singapore to Dien Bien Phu is 2.200.000 VND (or ~$108 USD) and the price for bussiness class – one way ticket of Vietnam Airline is 4.200.000 VND (or ~$208 USD). Question and Answer:- How to get from Singapore to Dien Bien Phu?- How do you transpost from Singapore to Dien Bien Phu?- Flight time from Singapore to Dien Bien Phu?- Air ticket from Singapore to Dien Bien Phu?