How far is it from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
It takes 8125 kilometers (equals to 5048 miles or 4387 nautical miles) from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur. Depart from Moscow Airport at (55° 45' 25"N, 37° 36' 54"E), your flight will land at Kuala Lumpur international Airport (3° 6' 17"N, 101° 41' 28"E).
How many miles is it from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
It takes about 5048 miles.
How much is the ticket from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
The price for economy class – one way ticket of Vietnam Airlines from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur is 19.762.000 VND (or ~$986 USD)
How long is the flight time from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
Noticeably, it takes about 11 hours and 35 minutes for this average flight time.
Question and Answer:
- How to get from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
- How do you transpost from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
- Flight time from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?
- Air ticket from Moscow to Kuala Lumpur?