How far is it from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
It takes 16312 kilometers (equals to 10135 miles or 8807 nautical miles) from Frankfurt to Melbourne. Depart from Frankfurt Airport at (50° 6' 43"N, 8° 41' 0"E), your flight will land at Melbourne international Airport (-37° 49' 3"N, 144° 58' 2"E).

How many miles is it from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
It takes about 10135 miles.

How much is the ticket from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
The price for economy class – one way ticket of Vietnam Airlines from Frankfurt to Melbourne is 27.573.000 VND (or ~$1377 USD) and the price for bussiness class – one way ticket of Vietnam Airline is 42.725.000 VND (or ~$2134 USD).

How long is the flight time from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
Noticeably, it takes about 23 hours and 15 minutes for this average flight time.

Question and Answer:
- How to get from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
- How do you transpost from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
- Flight time from Frankfurt to Melbourne?
- Air ticket from Frankfurt to Melbourne?

